Instructor CEC Workshop & Course Listings 2025
We have been leading courses and workshop for Group Fitness Instructors since 2004. Today we offer both in person and online workshops and courses to create teh best learning experience for you. Check back often for updates of upcoming sessions or join our mailing list below.

Indoor Cycling Instructor Certification 16 BCRPA & CFES CEC's
With over 2000 Instructors Certified through Rachel, she prides herself on providing a certification course that is rooted in education, and sets each instructor up with confidence. Next course date will be May 2025, registration will open up soon.
What Out Students Had to Say ...

"I loved Rachel’s Indoor Cycling Certification Course. I heard about her from references at my local gym and participating in her class was a great experience hands down. I would definitely recommend her to anyone. Awesome teacher!"
Connor S, BCRPA Group Fitness & PT, ICC Certified Cycling Instructor, Vancouver BC

"Loved Rachel’s indoor cycling course! She is an amazing educator and breaks the course down so it’s understandable but also provides opportunity to practice along with tools to create an energizing, fun class of my own. So happy I had the opportunity and I continue to learn from this amazing lady!"
BCRPA Group Fitness Leader, ICC Certified Cycling Instructor, Cloverdale, BC

"By far, Rachel’s spin instructor course was one of the best courses I’ve ever taken because she makes so much valuable information and support available to her participants. Her knowledge and experience in spin instruction is vast, and she shares it in a relaxed, fun, and professional manner. Rachel’s course resources are extensive and really help anyone interested in teaching fabulous spin classes."
Deborah RamseyBCRPA Certified Personal Trainer, 3rd Age, Yogafitness Instructor

"Rachel is an energetic and very fun instructor. The seven-hour indoor cycling instructor course was never boring—even when we were on the bikes and our legs were so sore, we were still laughing. I learned lots of ideas, lots of information, and gained lots of confidence. I will strongly recommend Rachel's course to anyone, thank you, and I will always keep learning!!"
Tammy Y, BCRPA Certified Fitness Leader, Weight Training Instructor, Personal Trainer, Vancouver, BC, Canada

"I 100% highly recommend Rachel's workshops and courses. I recently completed her Indoor Cycling Certification. It was a jam-packed course that covered history, safety, coaching, and planning. After completing the course, it gave me the confidence I needed to plan a well-thought-out and safe class. There were so many example drills and tips that I still refer back to the course materials on days when I need some inspiration, and I always find a golden nugget of knowledge that she taught us to get the creative juices flowing again."
Christine Woodington
BCRPA Certified Group Fitness Leader, Richmond, BC, Canada

"Though I have done indoor cycling courses in the past, I've always felt like an imposter instructor. It wasn't until I did Rachel's training that I felt confident in my teaching abilities. She is accessible, fun, and genuinely wants her students to succeed. I believe a great instructor is one who cares about her industry as well as her students, and in preparing her students for their careers prepares them to help the industry become stronger and better. Rachel does just that. Thank you, Rachel!"
Ginny Dunhill, BCRPA Group Fitness, BCFIT Board Member, BCRPA Admin Team

Online CEC's for Indoor Cycling Instructors
We offer a variety of Online Interactive Live Workshops for CEC credits for instructors.